Thursday, December 11, 2008

6 Random things

Katie tagged me so here goes.

1) I took six years of Spanish and I can't really speak it. I am reminded of this every couple of months because I get mistaken for a Hispanic person and People start speaking to me in Spanish. I usually kind of understand what they are saying but I pretend I have no idea.

2) I secretly want to be a writer when I grow up. (This tag is probably as far as my writing career will ever go and that's okay because a few year ago I wanted to be a PA and after that a communicative disorders specialist.) Check back with me in about 16 years to see what I am actually doing for my second career. (My first career is being a mom.)

3) I am the secretary of the PTA.

4)I like Hallmark Hall of Fame movies. My favorite part is crying at the end just like I am supposed to, no matter how stupid the movie actually was.

5)I love love love driving a mini-van. I know it is not the cool thing to do, but it is really comfortable and super easy to get the kids out of. If I had a million dollars I probably wouldn't get a new car.

6) I have a hard time spending money on myself. The last time I got a hair cut was in April and Katie kind of made me do it. The only time I get my hair colored is when Katie does it out of boredom. I have had the same bottle of mascara for a year and a half and most of my shirts have holes in the front where they rub on the sharp edge of my tile counter tops when I am cooking and cleaning.

There. Now everyone knows more about me than ever wanted to. I tag Dana, Alena, and Aubrey.


Dana G said...

OK, so how do I plaY?

Anonymous said...

Good girl! We really should do something about those shirts. You forgot to mention your Frankenstein finger.

DnD Gibb said...

Now I know for sure you are the greatest. I love learning about the real stuff inside people. Thanks for sharing.