Friday, March 25, 2011

Growing up Gross

Today I was in the car with Dewy and Ryan. Dewy said, "I just farted."
I said, "Congratulations."
He said, "Do you want to try to guess what my toots smell like?"
I said, "No thanks."
Not to be outdone, Ryan said, "Urrp (fake burping noise) Burp!"
Got to love those boys and their sense of humor.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I guess I need to be more careful with my Gender and Communication homework. Today Cricket said the Leprechaun that Dewy made at school freaked her out because it looked like it was transgendered. I am not sure she really understands what that means, but she sure hit the nail on the head.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sibling Rivalry

I am not sure what it is about these two, but they definitely have a love/ hate relationship. Sometimes they are nice as punch to each other. Other times they, well...just aren't. One thing they really struggle with is being competitive with each other. When Tilly won reflections, Cricket marched out of the school; chucked her project in the garbage by the front doors; and declared, "This is crap."
Today we got a phone call that Cricket won an award for SUPAF (Southern Utah Performing Arts Festival). She will be one of eight young people performing at the awards night at Desert Hills High School next Thursday. Kind of a big deal, and pretty cool for someone who has only been playing piano for a few months. (They are divided into categories and she is a beginner). Tilly was not happy about it. She pouted around the house all night and texted me that she did not want to go watch her.
My girls got a huge lecture about loving and supporting one another. That if they didn't win, they should be happy their sister did. I really hope they grow out of this or the first one to get engaged or get a big scholarship might also get a punch in face from her sister.