Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Praise the Lord!

Asha is a super picky eater and not shy about sharing her feelings. Picture a total melt down when I made vegetable beef soup for dinner. Well I am pleased to say that tonight I have redeemed myself. After I prepared steak and fettichine Alfredo pasta roni, she was asked to say the prayer which included, "Please bless that this wonderful dinner will be blessed by the hand of Jesus." What more can I say?


Michelle Wilkes said...

If I say that in my prayer, are my kids going to be more likely to eat it?
So cute.

Jaylene said...

thats hilarious! my kids are the same way unfortunately, so i hear complaints all the time. sadly ive grown used to the idea that im i bad cook...

DnD Gibb said...

Oh, the power of a child's prayer.
The reward of being a grandparent is that my food always tastes good. Your time is coming I used to be in your shoes.

Anonymous said...

they are lucky to have an aunt like you!