Asha is a super picky eater and not shy about sharing her feelings. Picture a total melt down when I made vegetable beef soup for dinner. Well I am pleased to say that tonight I have redeemed myself. After I prepared steak and fettichine Alfredo pasta roni, she was asked to say the prayer which included, "Please bless that this wonderful dinner will be blessed by the hand of Jesus." What more can I say?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Cricket's birthday
We had a family party on her birthday at Pirate Pizza and then home for cake and presents.Her birthday party was an owl theme. We called in a "Night Owl Party." She invited her friends over from 7:30 to 10:30 to watch a movie in the back yard on the projector that Jon borrow from work.
We had all her friends hide the presents they brought her and she ran around the house looking for them. When she found one she got to open it. She loved it.
These are the purses I made for goody bags. Well I didn't actually make the purses but I did put the super cute owls on them.
This is what her invitations looked like, well they were all kind of different but you get the idea. PS never do this. I spent like sixteen hours making birthday invitations. It was retarded.
Posted by Jenny at 12:25 PM 5 comments
It's quiet, too quiet.
Posted by Jenny at 12:05 PM 5 comments