Saturday, June 13, 2009

La Policia

I would like to tip my hat to the Hurricane Police Department. I was pulled over yesterday for speeding on the road going out to Sand Hollow. (I am a safe driver. I was going 45 in a 35 only because I had no idea the speed limit was so low.) I got a warning. When we got into the dock, I called JP because he wasn't there yet. He said he was having car trouble and would be there soon. I told him not to go more than 35mph. He chose not to listen to me and instead followed Daniel going 50mph. The policeman pulled them both over at the same time. Yep, he nailed all three of us. Luckily we all got warnings. So here's to you Hurricane City Policeman. I salute you.


Michelle Wilkes said...

Only a warning?!? You are all so lucky. Justin just barely got off probation at Hamilton so he can drive a company truck. I've lost track of the hundreds and thousands of dollars we have shelled out for tickets.
I should mention that I've only gotten one. On my way to my Grandpa's funeral with 2 toddlers in the back, since Justin couldn't come. No mercy. $120 for 10 over.

Shelly said...

Besides your warning, as soon as we turned on that road, I reminded JP not to speed. I don't know how many warnings one person needs!

Jaylene said...

yay hurricane police! :) too bad they arent that nice to all of us, ive gotten an $80 ticket here before. lucky dewitts!!

Elaine Bowman said...

That is so Hilarious! Jim and I also got pulled over not too far from there, just coming around that curve on the main road before you turn off to Sand Hollow. We were on the way to St. George to have Nate! Better watch out for Hurricane Police! LOL

Anonymous said...

Do I need to say anything??? Those of us in law enforcement know that speeding is the first step to moral decay