Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wedding excitement?

Daniel finally got engaged. He and his cute fiance will get married this summer. Fiti came over this week to teach my Activity Days girls a Polynesian dance, which was really fun by the way. Afterwards we were talking about the wedding because I have never been to a Samoan wedding. I was asking what people would wear and she said Daniel would wear a lava lava but probably not the other men in our family. I said I didn't know if it would be funny or scary to see the men in my family wearing skirts. I asked Cricket what she thought and she said, "Probably not because the men in your family are too hairy." So there you go JP, you are not the only hairy ogre.
Congratulations Daniel and Fiti!


Eric and Erin said...

tell him congrats from Erin and I!

Jill said...

I totally need to see a picture!!! Congrats Daniel Bumbo!

Dana G said...

WOW, that's great! He keeps asking me if HE is my favorite nephew, but since he did not call me and tell me, I'm going to have to rethink the question....What a fun event to look forward to AND to be a part of!!

Mary said...

such exciting news!...take photos!

DnD Gibb said...

Congrats to Daniel and Fiti. My nephew married a Samoan girl, Ave'. They had a fabulous Samoan reception--danced the wedding dance where everyone throws money, luau, and yes, the men wore lava lavas. Their children have had Samoan receptions, also. What fun! The grandfather always gives an address to all the family in Samoan. No one understands it, but he is giving advice and his blessing to the bride and groom. You will really enjoy being a part of their wedding. Love