Thursday, August 12, 2010


I love to babysit my nephews. Mostly because when their parents are around they won't give me the time of day. When I was babysitting last night Ryan wanted me to hold him and hang out with him and he gave me kisses whenever I asked. And yes I gave him a bag of cookies and let him lick the brownie batter spoon. Give-and-take, that's what life is about, give-and-take.

On a totally different note, look what I did to my son: on purpose (Katie helped). I like it. Jon, not so much

Dewy says he is Ang, and he needs an airbending stick. I am pretty sure the first time I leave them home alone together I will come home to Dewy's shaved head.


Shelly said...

Maybe we should go out more often--sure looks like they had fun!

Jaylene said...

love the hair! :)